

Ko Te Ramaroa-ā-Kupe te Maunga Ko Tuwhaterō-ā-Kupe te Wairere; Ko Whirinaki te Awa Ko Matai-Aranui, ko Moria me Pa Te Aroha ngā Marae. Ko Te Hikutu-ā-Kupe te Hapū, Ko Kupe te Tangata Ko Matawhao te Waka Ko Hokianga-nui-ā-Kupe te Moana Ko Whangaruru Birch raua ko...


Ko Huruiki te Maunga Ko Mokau te Awa Ko Whenuaroa te Waka Ko Mokau te Marae I am committed to working with the Hauora I enjoy the different dynamics that come with the work we do. I am very Whanau focused which works within my work and home life. Whilst working I...