Kainga Whānau Ora Approach
Learning Communities – affecting change through all sectors of social responsibility
A Kainga Whānau Ora approach provides a revitalised model of health and social approach to wellness by empowering whānau in principle and practice putting whānau as a contributing factor in the relationship for wellness.
Kainga Oranga, Kainga Whānau as stated by Manuka Henare (2012) as a whānau ora conference keynote speaker in Whangarei that whānau wellness had already existed in the home. The home is where education existed.
Whānau participation is relevant to collective sustainability.
Integrated approaches of health and social services responding to whanau in need.
Whanau participation is relevant to self solution and collective sustainability. We like to think of the approach as “Whanaungatanga” – taking collective learnings from the past and redeploying them back into the community.
We are committed to Whanau first.
What makes us unique?
- We are responsive, we are mobile, we are proactive, we are caring.
- Our responsibility is to provide the best experience we are able to with the Whanau we are supporting.
- Te Hau Awhiowhio has the benefit of health and social supports and services designed and developed by Whanau for Whanau.
- Our purpose is to provide a suite of options for Whanau that enables Whanau to make better choices and take more ownership of matters that are a priority to them.
Outcomes for whānau
- Whanau taking responsibility for Whanau
- Building on whanau strengths and capability
- Attaining independence and practical coping mechanisms.
- Mana Motuhake