

Our goals for whānau: Get well, stay well; find a job, a career; have a healthy, happy home.

A New Approach – Wānanga

The Rākau Rangatira workshop component will now be known as wānanga.

Each wānanga will be 2 hours in duration and cover at least 2 if not more topics over that 2 hour period. For example a work-ready presentation maybe for the first hour and rongoa Māori for the 2nd hour.

Point of Difference

The point of difference for the Rākau Rangatira programme approach and wānanga content are the underpinning values and philosophical views upheld by the organisation to deliver safe, conducive, innovative and transformational services.

Generally speaking Tikanga Māori are customary practices and behaviours which can be easily applied across all cultures and settings. Tikanga Māori allows the programme in this context to create a consistent approach, consider all facets of social and health wellbeing, be respectful of each others individuality and even more importantly ensuring our approach is Mana enhancing.

Rākau Rangatira will be utilising the expertise of DHB staff and MSD experts when delivering pertinent wānanga or programme content.

The Process

Referral > Assessment > Communication > Contact > Induction Plan > Membership Plan > Active Membership Ends > Post Membership

More Information

For more information, please get in touch.

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