Hauora Services
Our Hauora Centre is located in the heart of the Otangarei shopping centre. Our aim is to assist whānau to achieve their wellness goals, in partnership with the community.
We are a proudly Nurse Led Clinic.
Opening Hours
Monday: 10am – 4.30pm
Tuesday – Friday: 8.30am – 4.30pm
(closed public holidays)
We have a suite of options that are available including:
- All routine medical matters
- Immunisations
- Bloods
- Blood pressure monitoring
- Cervical smears
- Contraception
- Dive medicals
- Driving medicals
- Health Screening
- Accidents/injuries (ACC)
- Diabetes checks
- Healthy Heart Checks
- Minor surgery
- Sexual Health
- Dressings
- Chronic Care Management – Kia Ora Vision
- Smoking cessation
- Fitness programmes
- Midwife
- B4 School checks
- Specialist clinics
- Community Nurse home visits
After hours care is provided by White Cross
8.00am – 8.00pm
Phone – 09 470 1083
Or contact the Emergency Department, Whangarei Hospital, outside these hours.
Manage your health needs and that of your family anytime, anywhere.
Access and maintain your medical records, book appointments, request repeat prescriptions and view latest lab results.
Enhancing Wellness Together
Our aim is to assist whanau to achieve their wellness goals, in partnership with the community.
To do this we aim to:
- Be responsive
- Strengthen
- Foster
- Nourish
- Connect
- Deliver
- Contribute effectively
- Encourage self determination
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enrol?
To enrol, you need to complete an Enrolment Form at the Hauora. Parents can enrol children under 16 years of age, but children over 16 years need to sign their own form.
What happens if I go to another General Practice?
You can go to another general practice (“GP”) or change to a new GP at any time.
If you are enrolled in a PHO through one GP and visit another practice as a casual patient you will pay a higher fee for that visit. So if you use more than one GP you should consider enrolling with the practice you visit most often.
What happens if I'm moving from another doctor?
If you have moved from another Doctor, we will ask you to sign a form as part of your enrolment to allow us to get your medical records transferred from your previous Doctor. For us to provide a quality service, it is important that we have your old records available.
What happens if I am enrolled in a general practice but don’t see them very often?
If you haven’t been to your general practice (“GP”) in the last 3 years, it’s likely that the practice will contact you and ask if you wish to remain with the practice. If you are not able to be contacted or do not respond your name will be taken off the Practice and PHO Enrolment Registers.
You can always re-enrol with the same GP or another GP and the affiliated Public Health Organisation at a later time.
How do I see my Test Results?
You will not be notified of normal results. If you wish to know the result of your tests, call to speak with a Nurse/NP.
Normal results will be available on Manage My Health once they have been reviewed by a clinician.
You will be contacted directly by one of our Clinical Team if you have abnormal results. It is important you keep us updated if your contact details change.
Register for Manage My Health and view your test results online at your convenience. Inquire at reception or click here for more information.
How do I know if I’m eligible for publicly funded health and disability services?
Talk to the practice staff, call 0800 855 151,
or visit http://www.health.govt.nz/new-zealand-health-system/eligibility-publicly-funded-health-services and work through the Guide to Eligibility Criteria.
What's a Nurse Practitioner?
Nurse Practitioners are Registered Nurses with advanced education and experience. They have an important role to play in improving the health of New Zealanders and reducing inequalities in access to healthcare.
Nurse Practitioners (“NP”s) are authorised to practise in an expanded nursing role in clinical settings. The NP role includes things that traditionally have been performed by other health professionals, such as prescribing medicines, ordering diagnostic tests, providing WINZ Certificates and much more.
How long does a new enrollment take?
New enrolments take about one week to process, after which you can make an appointment to see the GP/Nurse Practitioner. For a new enrolment, we will need to book you in for a free full health assessment with the Nurse. Please be aware that the full health check takes approx. 40 minutes.
What happens to my health information?
View our Privacy Statement to see how your health information may be used.
Where can I get an enrolment form?
You can contact our Hauora on 0800 120 916 or drop in to our clinic.