
Community Social Workers

We provide support and advocacy on a high risk, high need level to our communities

What are Social Workers?

Social Workers advocate for the whole Whanau by helping them navigate complex systems and access necessary resources and support.

Our team have combined experience of over 30 years.

    What services do we provide?

    Aligning our practice with the principles of  Te Hau Awhiowhio and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we provide services such as:

    • Advocacy, liaise, consult with Oranga Tamariki, Work & Income NZ, Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Justice
    • Advocacy for other organisations, services and whanau
    • Community support
    • Family Violence Prevention
    • Family and individual well being
    • Consultation
    • Networking with Governmental and non-Governmental organisations
    • Facilitation, Mediation & Co-ordination of Hui-A-Whanau
    • Co-ordination
    • Assisting whanau to identifying their needs
    • Whanau empowerment

    Who are Social Workers For?

    Our Social Worker service is available for anyone in the Tai Tokerau community through self referrals, court-referrals as well as Oranga Tamariki.

    If any of the services we offer are of interest to you, please get in touch.

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