Check out this short story written by the Hauora team letting you know we are here for you and your whānau. Reminding whānau that the team here at THA trust are still here to support the community during lockdown level 3. Keeping safe in your bubbles also means...
Tēnā tātou katoa Otangarei Community, Many of you would be aware Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust has continued to support whanau and our patients during this pandemic. Recently we packed 2500 hygiene boxes for whanau in Tai Tokerau, and we have a number more to...
The Story of the Oyster and the Butterfly: the Corona Virus and Me written by Ana M. Gomez is a great resource to help children deal with their feelings during uncertain times. Please feel free to download and read the story, print the pages, and talk with your...
New Zealand is about to move to alert level four in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It will put the nation, in effect, on lockdown for four weeks. At least. Here’s what that means in practice. When does it start and what do I do? The lockdown starts at 11:59pm on...
The bollards outside of our office needed a spruce up so what better way to get the job done than a competition for our community’s tamariki! So we put out the word to our community inviting school children, whanau, pepi and locals to come along. We not only...