Pēpi Parcels for whānau in need

Pēpi Parcels for whānau in need

Pēpi Parcels’ goal is to take donations of baby clothing and make parcels to clothe Babies until they are 1. The parcels are then given to parents in need. Whanau are given boxes of beautiful clothing to help them for their first year of life. We have been lucky...
Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust’s First Panui for 2020

Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust’s First Panui for 2020

Tenei te mihi atu ki ā koutou nga hāpori o Otangarei. Ngā mihi ō te tau hau ki ā koe me tō whānau. It is our pleasure to present an overview for this Panui presenting a little of what we have been working on during the year to date. Read the Te Hau Awhiowhio panui...
Freemasons NZ Presents Trust with New Defibrillator

Freemasons NZ Presents Trust with New Defibrillator

AED in Northland. freemasonsnz.org Lodge Hatea No 431 had the pleasure of presenting a Defibrillator (AED) to the Te Hau Awhiowhio O Otangarei Trust. The motivation for this act of masonic charity came from Bro Toby Kaipo of Lodge Hatea who is also an active member of...
Hygiene Packages for whanau

Hygiene Packages for whanau

Tēnā tātou katoa Otangarei Community, Many of you would be aware Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust has continued to support whanau and our patients during this pandemic. Recently we packed 2500 hygiene boxes for whanau in Tai Tokerau, and we have a number more to...
Otangarei Block Painting Competition

Otangarei Block Painting Competition

The bollards outside of our office needed a spruce up so what better way to get the job done than a competition for our community’s tamariki! So we put out the word to our community inviting school children, whanau, pepi and locals to come along. We not only...