Ruakaka Dog Rescue had bags of dog food & training treats available to doggies in need. What a pawsome service! Find out more about Ruakaka Dog Rescue and how you can help.
Te Ara Oranga is a pilot Methamphetamine Demand Reduction strategy, aimed at decreasing the number of Northlanders harmed by methamphetamine. Launched this month, it will provide treatment, therapy, health promotion, cultural and peer support to encourage quitting P....
Martin Kaipo, Chief Executive of Otangarei Trust has spent 20 years working with at-risk Māori at-risk and sees them continuously bouncing in and out of the criminal justice system. “[Young people] don’t fully understand the repercussions of being involved...
Te Hau Āwhiowhio and its partners, Whangarei District Council, MSD, Manaia PHO, Te Puni Kōkiri and Housing NZ, provided an overview of the Kāinga Ora ō Otangarei programme to the re-elected Denby Ward Councillor, Tricia Cutforth. Kāinga Ora ō Otangarei is an urban...
Our CEO, Martin Kaipo, talks about his work with Te Hau Āwhiowhio ō Otangarei, strengthening whānau aspirations and empowering people to bring about social change, in this 30-minute conversation with Kaye-Maree Dun (Te Rarawa, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Mahanga, Ngāi Tamanuhiri...
Register for the Battle of the Ancients Marble Competition to be held on 12 November 2016 in Otangarei. Registration prize draw and mystery prizes. MarbleBattle.pdf (Size: 1015.06 KB)