Pēpi Parcels for whānau in need

Pēpi Parcels for whānau in need

Pēpi Parcels’ goal is to take donations of baby clothing and make parcels to clothe Babies until they are 1. The parcels are then given to parents in need. Whanau are given boxes of beautiful clothing to help them for their first year of life. We have been lucky...
Winds of Change in Community Healthcare

Winds of Change in Community Healthcare

The GP shortage has hit Northland hard over the years, but when a Te Hau Āwhiowhio ō Ōtangarei trust couldn’t secure a GP for eight months they took matters into their own hands. A new nurse-led model was established which saw nurses undertaking additional...
Hygiene Packages for whanau

Hygiene Packages for whanau

Tēnā tātou katoa Otangarei Community, Many of you would be aware Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust has continued to support whanau and our patients during this pandemic. Recently we packed 2500 hygiene boxes for whanau in Tai Tokerau, and we have a number more to...
COVID-19 Update for Otangarei Whānau

COVID-19 Update for Otangarei Whānau

Tēnā koutou Katoa! As the Coronavirus pandemic lands on our shores of Aotearoa we thought it timely to update all of our whānau who utilise our services and the wider community of how the pandemic will affect Te Hau Awhiowhio and the whanau we serve. At this time we...