Photography by Emily Chalk – Source: Honda Making it your life’s work to lift up those in need takes a strong spirit and a resilience that is earned, not learned. Janine Kaipo, a co-founder of the Te Hau Āwhiowhio ō Otangarei Trust is one of those rare and...
In this Pānui: • Tai Tokerau Covid-19 Vaccine Roll-Out • Puawai Puriri School Holiday Programme • Rakau Rangatira – supporting members to get well, stay well and be well! • Whānau Ora Change Management Hui • Whānau Direct – helping whānau in need. • NEW...
ATTN; to all our stakeholders, partners and support networks. Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust have been contacted by the Police to validate if certain people are employees of the Trust. They have informed the Trust that these people claim to be working for the...
Ngā mihi ō te tau hau ki ā koe me tō whānau. How fast this year has gone and now we are zooming to the close of the year and holidays for many and we wish to see all whānau safe and well during the holiday period. Read the panui here or click the image...