AED in Northland.
Lodge Hatea No 431 had the pleasure of presenting a Defibrillator (AED) to the Te Hau Awhiowhio O Otangarei Trust.
The motivation for this act of masonic charity came from Bro Toby Kaipo of Lodge Hatea who is also an active member of the City Rugby Club. The Lodge was supported by The Freemasons Charity in this project.
A presentation event was hosted by representatives from the trust and the city rugby club, the venue was the city rugby club rooms in Otangarei where the defibrillator was duly installed. The presentation was also attended by several Hateal lodge members including
Ron McCracken District Grand Master.
The trust is a very active community-based organisation caring for Wairua,Tinana,Kainga and Hapori in Otangarei.
Freemasons in New Zealand have provided over 150 Defibrillators throughout New Zealand.