
Photography by Emily Chalk – Source: Honda

Making it your life’s work to lift up those in need takes a strong spirit and a resilience that is earned, not learned. Janine Kaipo, a co-founder of the Te Hau Āwhiowhio ō Otangarei Trust is one of those rare and inspiring people.

Both Janine and her husband Martin grew up in Otangarei, an underserved suburb in the North of Whangarei. When they returned as adults to raise their kids there, they recognised that a lack of support services had taken a toll – so they decided to do something about it.

“Over the years Otangarei has had its moments but when we came back and bought a house here, there were no services – we were left to our own devices,” says Janine. “We had grown up in this community but there was nothing here for us to inherit.” Being a people-focussed person, Janine knew right away that she wanted to make a positive impact and told her husband Martin, ‘I don’t want to just exist in my community, I want to live in it.’”

Janine’s first opportunity came to pass quickly when she was prevailed upon to sort out the local childcare. “A respected elder Daisy Holtz came to me and said, ‘The Playcentre is gonna close down, you can be the president and make sure it stays open’. She was a formidable person, and you didn’t say no to her,” laughs Janine, “but I didn’t have any qualifications! Basically, I’d been at school and then got married at 16.”

Read the full article via Honda here.