

Te Aupouri
Kaiarahi  / Elder services (Kinaki club) 
Ko Mamari me Mataatua te Waka Ko Ruanui te Rangatira Ko Tawhiti Rahi me Rangi Puta te Maunga Ko Awa Poka me Awaroa te Awa Ko Waimirirangi te Whare Tupuna Ko Potahi, Kotahitanga me Taio te Marae Ko Ngati Kuri te Hapu Te Aupouri, Muriwhenua nga Iwi I have worked with Rangatahi in residential and in the community for many years now in both the north and south island. This has been a foundation for me in working with Kaumatua/ Kuia. I currently work with both roopu. They give me balance in my mahi in contributing to the wellness of the community of Whangarei.

Ko Mamari te Waka
Ko Ruanui te Rangatira
Ko Tawhiti Rangi te Maunga
Ko Awa Poka te Awa
Ko Waimirirangi te Whare Tupuna
Ko Potahi te Marae

Ko Hamiora Rungai Terangi Piri Kaipo raua ko Helen Teresa Maraea Kaipo (Nee Waru) toku maatua. Ko Samaria Maxine Kaipo te potiki o te whanau Kaipo.