Ko Whiria te Maunga
Ko Hokianga te Awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te Waka
Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi
Ko Te Ihu Tai te Hapu
Ko Korae te Marae
I have been with the Trust since February 2016. The thing I love about my role is there are always new challenges arising within the community so no two days are ever the same. What I like most about the organisation is the staff. They are the most loving, caring people that I have ever met. Every one of them would give you the shirt off their back. They will never give up if you need help and will help not only you, but your Whānau as well. It’s a great team to be a part of.
My future looks bright with the Trust and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of the many projects we are working on within the community.