Hygiene Packages for whanau

Hygiene Packages for whanau

Tēnā tātou katoa Otangarei Community, Many of you would be aware Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust has continued to support whanau and our patients during this pandemic. Recently we packed 2500 hygiene boxes for whanau in Tai Tokerau, and we have a number more to...
Lockdown rules for New Zealand

Lockdown rules for New Zealand

New Zealand is about to move to alert level four in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It will put the nation, in effect, on lockdown for four weeks. At least. Here’s what that means in practice. When does it start and what do I do? The lockdown starts at 11:59pm on...
COVID-19 Update for Otangarei Whānau

COVID-19 Update for Otangarei Whānau

Tēnā koutou Katoa! As the Coronavirus pandemic lands on our shores of Aotearoa we thought it timely to update all of our whānau who utilise our services and the wider community of how the pandemic will affect Te Hau Awhiowhio and the whanau we serve. At this time we...