Ko Mamari te Waka
Ko Pārengarenga te Moana
Ko Te Awapoka te Awa
Ko Tawhitirahi te Maunga
Ko Pōtahi te Marae
Ko Waimirirangi te Whare hui
Ko Te Rongopātūtaonga te Whare kai
Ko Te Kao te Kāinga
Ko Te Aupōuri te Iwi
Tīhewa mauri ora
I have worked in a vast amount of work place environments and roles which has given me plenty of life skills. I enjoy working with people and helping to empower other’s by sharing my knowledge and teaching skills that can be used in all aspects of life which has lead me to working with Te Hau Awhiowhio, the chance for me to focus my energy into the youth of tomorrow is a excellent opportunity to give back to the people that have helped me along the way in life. I look forward to changing the outlook on life for some of the vulnerable youth and give them tools that can be utilized on their path to success.