

Kaiarahi Putea

Ko Piki Karoro me Whiri Tūroa ngā Maunga
Ko Kaipara tōku Moana
Ko Oruawharo tōku awa
Ko Rangimarie tōku Whare
Ko Te Uri O Hau tōku hapu
Ko Ngāti Whātua tōku Iwi
Ko Māhuhu Ki te Rangi tōku Waka
Ko Shellie toku ingoa

As my role as a Kaiarahi Putea/ Financial Mentor, I am committed to the well being and empowering of
our community with the approach for our whanau to express their capabilities, knowledge and
motivations they already know, fostering the pathway of growth for future generations. I am a mother
of 2 adult tamariki step mother to 3 adult tamariki and Nānā to 18 mokopuna.

Ūnuhia te rito o te harakeke kei whea te kōmako e kō
Whakatairangitira rere kī uta rere kī tai
Ui mai koe k1i ahau he aha te mea nui o te ao
Mākū e kī atu he tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata
Remove the heart of the flax bush and where will the bellbird sing?
Proclaim it to the land, proclaim it to the sea
Ask me ’What is the greatest thing in the world?’
I will reply “it is the people, people, people!’