Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te Waka
Ko Omanuka to maunga te ru nei taku Ngakau
(Omanuka is the mountain that speaks to my heart)
Ko Otaenga te Awa e mahea nei aku maharahara
Otaenga is the river that alleviates my worries
E mihi ana ki nga tohu o nene o Awarua e noho nei au
(I recognise the ancestral and spiritual landmarks of Awarua where I live)
Ko Te Huruhii to Marae
Ko Awarua toku Hapu
Ko Ngatimahi ki Rohe
Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi
Ko Miriama Reihana toku Ingoa
He Kaiwhina Hauora te mahi ana mo Te Hau Awhiowhio o Otangarei Trust