Otangarei Papakāinga
‘It takes a village to raise a child’ and ‘It takes a papakāinga to support a whānau’.
What is the Otangarei Papakāinga?
On the 1st of July 2019, Otangarei Papakāinga Limited (“OPL”) began construction on a fit for purpose transitional housing papakāinga in the suburb of Otangarei. The papakāinga site is nestled by the sportsground known locally as Fishbone Park and was blessed by local kaumātua.
Location: 114 William Jones Drive
Project manager: Griffiths Project Management.
Happier healthier whānau and, as a result, less support required from the government over the long term.

What are the Papakāinga for?
The papakāinga will temporarily house families from MSD’s social housing register, before they move on to more sustainable accommodation.
Alongside the ‘bricks and mortar’ of the papakāinga build, whānau will have access to the support services offered by OPL’s parent, Te Hau Āwhiowhio o Otangarei Trust. The Trust has developed a breadth of experience in social and health services, youth justice, mental health and addictions and employment pathways, over the last three decades.
Why are papakainga important?
We are excited about how transitional housing can offer hope to families and believe that the social dynamics at play in a papakāinga setting can provide a natural form of support to whānau, from the inside out.
‘It will be a safe resting place for whānau. Families will have the space to settle and get their bearings; to make a plan for the future and focus on what’s next for them.’
~ Te Hau Awhiowhio Operations Manager, Janine Kaipo,

Above: Janine Kaipo is excited about the hope the new papakāinga can offer to whānau
What will the papakāinga look like?
Five brand new, purpose built, 2-bedroom homes are to be built. Each will have a kitchenette and bathroom, carparking and storage.
The papakainga is designed to support a whanau in a community environment. It will be family friendly and features a common whare, where tenants can share a meal, welcome visitors, or host hui.

Who is supporting the project?
The project is supported by Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ministry of Social Development as part of the Government’s focus on ending homelessness and ensuring whānau Maori living in safe secure healthy homes.

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